Thursday, June 6, 2013

Contoh Bahasa Pemrograman untuk Web dan Penggunaan database dan SQL

  1. Write the HTML code to produce the following web page. (see page 300 on text book)

  1. Write the XHTML code to produce the following page: (See page 301 on text book)

  1. Access a shareware site (e.g. or a commercial site and download a trial version of HTML editor. Design a simple page using HTML. What attribute of the product did you like and which one, in your opinion, could be improved? What online help was available in the product? What version of the product did you try and when was it released in the market?
1. Write the HTML code to produce the following web page. (see page 300 on text book)
Jawaban :
<table border=”1”>
<th colspan=”3” align=”center”>Sample table</th>
<th>book title</th>
<th>book price</th>
<td>principles of economics</td>
<td>Programming java</td>
2 Write the XHTML code to produce the following page: (See page 301 on text book)
Source Code:

<html xmlns=”; xml:lang=”en”>
Enter Name <textarea name=”Name” rows=”3&#8243;></textarea> <br />
Enter Grade <textarea name=”Grade” rows=”3&#8243;></textarea> <br /> <br />
<input type=”submit” name=”Submit” value=”Submit query” /> &nbsp;
<input type=”reset” name=”Reset” value=”Reset” />

3. Access a shareware site (e.g. or a commercial site and download a trial version of HTML editor. Design a simple page using HTML. What attribute of the product did you like and which one, in your opinion, could be improved? What online help was available in the product? What version of the product did you try and when was it released in the market?
Jawaban :
File design page (terlampir)
Page tersebut di buat dengan menggunakan macromedia dreamweaver cs3 trial edition (30 days).
Attribute yang saya suka dari tools ini yaitu kemampuannya dalam mengintegrasikan semua file yang berhubungan dengan web development. Baik itu asp sampai php, sehingga memudahkan bagi web developer dalam membangun sebuah situs atau system berbasis web. Sama seperti tools lainnya macromedia dreamweaver cs3 juga menyediakan online help yang membantu developer web ketika mengalami kesulitan. Versi yang saya gunakan yaitu cs3 . macromedia dreamweaver cs3 release pada bulan april 2007.

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